Hi, I am Anup.

I'm a PhD student at the University of Chicago working with Dr. Ken Nakagaki. I'm currently exploring my interests in slow technology and critical making. My research is fueled by my rage towards the current state of the attention economy.

I've thoroughly excused myself from social media (explanation above) so please feel free to reach out to me at anups [at] uchicago [dot] edu.

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Selected Work

CHI '24: Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Attention Receipts: Utilizing the Materiality of Receipts to Improve Screen-time Reflection on YouTube
Anup Sathya, Ken Nakagaki
UIST '22: Proceedings of the 35th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology
Fibercuit: Prototyping High-Resolution Flexible and Kirigami Circuits with a Fiber Laser Engraver
Zeyu Yan*, Anup Sathya*, Sahra Yusuf, Jyh-Ming Lien, Huaishu Peng [*equal contribution]
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, Volume 6, Issue 3
Calico: Relocatable On-cloth Wearables with Fast, Reliable, and Precise Locomotion
Anup Sathya, Jiasheng Li, Tauhidur Rahman, Ge Gao, Huaishu Peng
In Proceedings of CHI EA 2021
Towards On-the-wall Tangible Interaction: Using Walls as Interactive, Dynamic, and Responsive User Interface
Zeyu Yan, Anup Sathya, Pedro Carvalho, Yongqao Hu, Annan Li, Huaishu Peng
In Proceedings of IEEE ICACCI 2018
Realtime On-chip Wireless Waveform Monitoring
Anup Sathya, Sowmiya Balaji, Amishi Gupta, Suresh Padmanabhan
In Proceedings of IEEE TENCON 2017
Visual Positioning System for Automated Indoor/Outdoor Navigation
Anup Sathya, Abhinav Goel, Suresh Padmanabhan

Fun Stuff

UX Research